TEAPAC Complete 2010 enables you to optimize a wide range of traffic engineering procedures within the transportation engineering and planning disciplines. TEAPAC assists transportation professionals with a wide spectrum of transportation challenges.
- Traffic operations and capacity analyses
- Signalized intersections, isolated and coordinated systems
- Site traffic planning and design
- Traffic survey summaries and analysis
TEAPAC Complete 2010 is easy to use and learn. You will find that TEAPAC is unique within the traffic engineering software industry for a variety of reasons. All application functions within the program inter-operate through seamlessly-shared input and results, and industry standard terminology is used throughout. TEAPAC's functionality and ease of use does not stop with the new, or infrequent, users needs in mind. Power-users will appreciate full command line control and script/batch processing capabilities. Visual command-mode cues are provided at each dialog prompt to speed acquisition of keyboard control. Casual users are guided through data entry and analysis via familiar dialogs and controls.
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